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Tammy Paul

Tammy Paul

Children's Ministry Coordinator / Assistant to Richard Toussaint

Tammy began serving at Bay Life in 1994. She and her husband, Chuck, have been married for 29 years and they have four children, Heather, Rachel, JonMichael, and Cameron. Tammy faithfully serves as the Children's Ministry Assistant at Bay Life. 

Tell us about yourself and your faith journey.
I was raised in a Christian home and credit my parents with an upbringing that recognized the importance of having Christ in my life. I made a personal decision to follow Christ at the age of 14 and strive to continue to grow in my relationship with Him daily. I believe that being a Christian is more than believing in God and His Son but also having a personal relationship with Him by walking in that faith and seeking after Him.

What is your personal hope and prayer for Bay Life Church?
I pray that Bay Life continues to reach the unchurched and the non-believers by being relevant and true to their mission statement. I pray that we continue to grow, not just in numbers, but also in faith; that our church family continues to be a beacon to our community. It is my hope that we always speak truth in love and that our church body continues to seek Him and His purpose for our lives, our church, and our community, here and around the world.

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